
Hello esteemed customer! Welcome to Hebek Power (Hebei) Company. Our company can provide free samples for charge and discharge testing of our products. You can compare the quality with any international brand and make payment after being satisfied! We try our best to get you the best product with the least amount of money! You give us a trust, and we guarantee that you are very satisfied! ——HEBEOEKES

Hello esteemed customer! Welcome to Hebek Power (Hebei) Company. Our company can provide free samples for charge and discharge testing of our products. You can compare the quality with any international brand and make payment after being satisfied! We try our best to get you the best product with the least amount of money! You give us a trust, and we guarantee that you are very satisfied!——HEBEOEKES

China pre-sales:+0086 137-1777-2025Exporting to Asia:+0086 133-3302-7413
After sales in China:+0086 133-4332-8746Exporting to Africa:+0086 181-3432-5406
Official email: kf@hebeoeke.comExporting to the Americas:+0086 135-2122-1937
Security check : to Europe:+0086 188-2215-9019


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